The Freedom of Information Act 2000 came fully in to force on 1 January 2005 and all public authorities, including universities, are affected. Members of the public have a right of access to any recorded information held by Queen Mary University of London, subject to certain conditions and exemptions. In other words, individuals have a ‘right to know’ and receive copies of information.
Queen Mary has two main duties under the Act:
(a) To maintain a Publication Scheme that lists the types of information it can routinely make available to the general public(b) To deal with requests for information from any individual (or organisation) from any country
The text of the Act can be seen at:
The provision of advice and certain statutory duties in relation to the Act, including enforcement, comes within the remit of the Information Commissioner's Office.
The Government also provides information about the Act on
Within Queen Mary advice on the Act can be obtained from the Records & Information Compliance Manager.
Not only is the University, as a public authority, affected by the Act, but so also are the subsidiary companies that it wholly owns.
Related legislation includes the U.K. General Data Protection Regulation which concerns access to personal information, and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, which concerns environmental information.
There is a related Data Protection Policy [PDF 268KB]. Requests for environmental information (which might include enquiries about emissions, waste, radiation, water quality, flora, fauna, etc.) should be answered in accordance with the request handling procedures established for freedom of information requests.
Below are links to advice for members of Queen Mary on the operation of the Act and the steps necessary to ensure compliance.
For further information and advice please email