The Publication Scheme can be found from links at:
Compliance with the Freedom of Information Act requires a publication scheme to be maintained. The purpose of the Scheme is to list the specific information held by the University that can readily be made available to members of the public. It is Queen Mary's aim to make as much information available via our website. The Scheme is maintained by the Directorate of Governance and Legal Services.
Those responsible for Departmental and Institute websites should be aware of the requirements of the Act and work towards making as many documents as possible available on externally-visible websites. As per the amendments to the Act by the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012, the Scheme includes a section on datasets. More information on this can be found under Requests: detailed notes.
Queen Mary has adopted the Information Commissioner's Model Publication Scheme for HE/FE Institutions in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.
Again, any enquiries about the Scheme can be emailed to: